WPDean.com Sold at GoDaddy auction for $1580
Last Updated on April 1, 2023 by Marc Breuer
WPDean.com was sold on 30.03.2023 at a GoDaddy auction. The WordPress related blog and author of a couple of themes WPDean.com was for sale for a bit.
The first official news that the site (and domain) was up for sale was from 2017 when an article appeared on the website itself.
I think this is the right time for me to let go WPDean. The site will complete its 2nd year successfully in the next month of April. And I do believe, it has really grown to an asset which any serious buyer would be keen to take over.
This site proved to be a huge success for me. Without much work efforts and time commitments, I was easily able to generate a growing revenue stream of around $35000+ for the last 12 months.
Obviously, It was not an easy decision to sell this huge asset. I have been pondering over this decision from last 2-3 months and finally reached to this point where I think it would be better to hand it over to someone who can take this to new heights.
We are not sure how the sale went at that time, but as of today the domain is expired and listed on auction on GoDaddy. The winning bid was $1580.
We’ll see how the new owner will make use of this great domain.